1) Try and use BLESSED INCENSE in the house. The vapours from the Incense are like prayers that rise up to the Lord and help weaken the spells and evil sent on the household. This can be seen in Numbers 16:46, _”And Moses said to Aaron, “Take your censer, and put fire therein from off the altar, and lay incense on it, and carry it quickly to the congregation, and make atonement for them; for wrath has gone forth from the LORD, the plague has begun.””_
2) OFFER MASSES for deceased family members and close friends.
3) Try to REMOVE all PICTURES OF DECEASED FAMILY MEMBERS on display in the house or carried in wallets, purses etc. These pictures become windows for any evil to enter. *(Praying for their souls is more meaningful and of greater benefit to the dead.)* Instead put up HOLY PICTURES with Promises like the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Divine Mercy and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Only pray with and hang up WOODEN CRUCIFIXES, preferably Benedictine Crucifixes.
4) Continue sprinkling HOLY WATER and BLESSED SALT around the the house, especially the corners.
5) HOLY OIL must be used to anoint oneself, as well as family members. 6 Drops of Holy Oil may also be consumed, if needed. _”And they cast out many demons and anointed with oil many who were sick and healed them.”_ (Mark 6:13). Anoint the whole house with Holy Oil, making 14 Oil Crosses on the walls. While applying the Holy Oil pray: “Blood of the 1st Station, Protect us; Blood of the 2nd Station, Shield us; Blood of the 3rd Station, Wash us; Blood of the 4th Station, Bind the Demon; Blood of the 5th Station, Strike the Serpent… Keep repeating these prayers as you apply the Holy Oil on the lower part of the walls. (Altogether 14 crosses). This may be repeated every Friday, as the need arises.
6) Keep an OIL LAMP BURNING for the main family altar, not an artificial electric light. The Flame is a reminder of the Tongues of Fire and Psalm 97:3, _”Fire goes up and burns his enemies. “_
7) Very Important is PRAYER. You may already be reading the Word, Gospel passages, Psalm 91 etc. Most Important is the BINDING PRAYER to protect against evil. *(Must be prayed daily.)* All Baptised, have the authority to Bind, just as Psalm 91 which gives us the Power and Authority to Trample down Lions and Snakes. The Most Powerful Weapon is the ‘Holy Sacrifice of the Mass’. Masses should be Offered for the Souls in Purgatory and may also be offered in Honour of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, St. Michael or the Saints. They form an Army, just as Satan forms his, but the Army of Saints will always be victorious. One may also Offer Mass in the House, but only with the prior permission of the Bishop or the Parish Priest. If Mass cannot be offered in the home, one should try to arrange a House Blessing by a Priest.
8) The members of the household must KEEP THE CATHOLIC FAITH at all times by living good lives, attending Holy Mass, regular Confession, reading the Bible, daily Prayer, Novenas etc. If any family members or other loved ones have visited Sects, Temples, Mosques, indulged in Feng Shui, Yoga, Occult, etc – Ask for Forgiveness and Mercy from the Lord. Make reparation through Prayers and Masses.
God bless & protect you,
Fr. Paul D’Souza